dilluns, 13 de març del 2017

More of hybrid apps, now ionic framework

How I did write in other entries, I decided make the game using HTML5 and show it in a webview manually for see how works it, and so see the differences between Android and iOS. This time for my new project I will use again but instead of make it manually I'll use a framework to make things more easy.

In this moment, exist a lot of frameworks to build mobile apps, among them we could name PhoneGapApache CordovaAngular MaterialIonic and we could also include Ubuntu SDK. For this project,  I have decided use Ionic 2, a framework that uses Angular 2 and Apache Cordova to build the app and make it multi platform.

I has to said that although it is multi platform and can works in MS Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS for build apps for iOS you need do it from a Mac.

For install all we need the first step is install Node.js as Ionic is distributed as a package npm. For that we go to Node.js download and install it. 

The next step is install Ionic CLI and Apache Cordova for native app development. For that we open a terminal and write

   sudo npm install -g ionic cordova 

Now for run Apache Cordova in Xcode need enable it, from a terminal

   sudo xcode-select --install 

And for launch iOS apps into a device

   sudo npm install -g ios-deploy 

Some people have problems with this command, in my case I solved it adding

   sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm=true ios-deploy 

Here can encounter more info about that.

Now for create your app have different options  blank for a clean app, tabs for an app with tabs and sidemenu for an app with a side menu.

   ionic start myApp tabs --v2 

And from inside the directory runs the app

   ionic serve 

Well, it's all for now. I will continue working, learning and sharing.

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